Trauma Part 4: Recovery | Cultivate Chiropractic
Over the last three months, we’ve taken a look at the neurological impact of trauma, the surprising physical symptoms of trauma, and some methods for releasing trauma. If you haven’t checked those out yet, we suggest you go back and read them first, and then come back.
As a quick reminder, the information presented here is meant to educate. It is not a substitute for a licensed therapist or medical practitioner.
Six signs your body is healing from trauma
Our bodies tell us so much if we allow ourselves to listen. In much the same way that you can feel the physical (and emotional) effects of trauma, your body will give you signs when it is releasing it, too. It will likely take some work, but if you start experiencing the following, you’re on the right track toward healing.
Emotional release
Numbing yourself or keeping yourself from experiencing intense emotions is a common side effect of trauma, so it shouldn’t come as a shock if that comes undone as you begin to heal. It’s not uncommon to experience extreme emotions, sometimes without a clear trigger. While it could feel like you’re getting worse, it signifies quite the opposite: you are no longer detached from your emotions, and you are healing enough to begin feeling them. Although uncomfortable, this is healthy and should be an encouraging sign.
Reduced pain
As you begin to release trauma, you’ll likely notice the tension, pain, and discomfort slowly decreasing. It will probably be a gradual process, and you may not notice it at first, but one day you may wake up and realize that the nagging muscle tension or persistent headaches are no longer there. As you heal from trauma, your body will begin to learn that it’s safe to let your muscles relax.
Gut health
When your body is in fight-or-flight, some non-essential biological processes can slow down to allow all energy to be focused on survival. Your digestion is one of the processes that may take a backseat during a traumatic event and as you're dealing with the lasting effects of trauma. As you begin to heal from trauma, your digestive system should begin functioning normally again.
Improved sleep
It’s not uncommon to suffer from sleep-related issues if you’re dealing with trauma. It makes sense; when the body and brain are stuck in a state of danger, it wants to keep you awake to either run or fight off potential danger. Luckily, when your brain begins to realize that it no longer has to live in fight-or-flight, it will stop being hyper-alert and allow you to drift off to sleep.
Increased energy
Being stuck in a persistent fight-or-flight state consumes a lot of energy. Coupled with the fact that you’re probably not able to get the deep sleep your body needs, being on constant alert is draining. Eventually, as you process and heal from your trauma, your energy levels should return to normal. As your energy increases, you may also notice an increase in creativity, curiosity, and desire to return to your old hobbies.
The effects of trauma can be truly mentally, emotionally, and physically draining. As you begin to work through trauma, it’s important to keep in mind that the healing process is rarely linear and nobody’s path looks exactly the same. Give yourself grace as you navigate the journey, and remember that you are not alone. These signs should serve as small reminders and encouraging stepping stones toward recovery.
The mind-body connection is honored in everything we do. As you move through your journey of healing, know that we’re here to help. Chiropractic care is just one part of the puzzle, and we have a vast array of other health resources and services to offer. Call us today at 402-372-0166 or visit us online at to learn more.
In health,