Empowered . Liberated . Hands Free .Heart Full

photo cred from motherhoodsprouting.com
What is Babywearing?
Babywearing is simply the act of carrying our children hands free! Babywearing is a universal adaptation seen in every culture around the world as tools to assist in carrying our children with greater ease. We use babywearing as an adaptation to support our lifestyle and independence as new parents or parents of multiples, as an adaption to provide love and security to our babies when they need it most. Becoming a parent requires huge changes to our lifestyle, and as we become parents we consciously and unconsciously adapt our lives to this new way of existing.
Just like breastfeeding, this natural art takes some practice and education, but is well worth the investment. There are innumerable benefits for modern parents and infants and are many wonderful carrier options to suit the needs of every parent and child.
Why Babywear?
The benefits of wearing our babies are numerous from just the convenience of it to aid in infant development! I could write them down for days. Many parents (yes, we are talking BOTH mom and dad) find it so liberating to have their hands free while still meeting a child’s needs.
Babies will benefit from the motion, the closeness, and the constant interaction with their parents. It is an important tool that provides countless health, social and developmental benefits to baby and increased opportunity, confidence and happiness for parents! Babies get to explore the world from the most secure and loving location imaginable. Babywearing can also be beautiful, soothing, challenging, interesting, and community building.
Investing in learning how to wear your baby is truly a priceless skill for yourself and your family and also makes an unforgettable gift.
Current Babywearing Services Offered:
Preparing and Adapting Prenatal Session ​(Two 60 min sessions)
This one is for the pregnant mamas/couples! This session is in a two session format as we truly feel that learning some of the skills of baby wearing prior to baby making his/her arrival earthside, can help ease the stress felt and help you feel more confident! New parents often find it helpful to do a consultation before the baby arrives to help them decide which carrier(s) to purchase and then to do a shorter follow-up after baby is born to get some hands-on guidance.
- two sessions (one prenatal, and one after baby)
- in home or in office sessions
- I bring multiple carriers and we will discuss your specific wants and needs as parents whether you are new parents or this is your 2nd, 3rd or 4th!
- focused more on wearing a newborn
- combination of full and short consultation (more information below)
- with this session I will also be available by phone or text for additional questions
- discounts available for those already under prenatal chiropractic care with CCWP
(includes pre-consult phone call, private
consultation, and post-consult phone and e-mail support)
Full session Babywearing Consult (60-90 min)
This session is perfect for the beginner who has no idea where to start or what they like!
- offered in home or in office
- we will have available different carriers for you to see and show you the basics of using different styles of carriers from wraps to soft structured carriers.
- we will also discuss your needs and desired as a parent and the specific needs of your child
-once you decide what type of carrier(s) you are most interested in we will dive into a detailed lesson of those carriers to suite your needs.
-in this session we really take the time to practice using your carriers and/or my carriers with a doll first and eventually with your child.
- you will also receive shopping resources for carriers and additional information to help you through this special time
- with this session I will also be available by phone or text for additional questions
-For any age baby/toddler
- discounts available for those already under prenatal or pediatric chiropractic care with CCWP
(includes pre-consult phone call, private
consultation, and post-consult phone and e-mail support)
Short Consultation and Fit Checks (30-45min)
This session is for those who already have a carrier they love or want to use but want to make sure it is being used correctly, or are maybe just having some trouble figuring it out! Have a pain point you need figured out? Want some tips on making your carrier easier to use? Then a short consultation & fit check session is right for you!
- For anyone already babywearing.
- fit checks for any carriers you already have and teach new ways to use the carrier such as back carries.
- We also discuss trying new carriers and adapting how you use the carrier as your baby grows.
- For any age baby/toddler
(includes pre-consult phone call, private
consultation, and post-consult phone and e-mail support)
Babywearing 101 Group Classes ( approx 90 min)
For any community** or friends group. Demo, fit-checks, and Q&A adapted to the needs of the group. We will discuss the needs of the group and go over the basics of babywearing as well as go through different carriers and their use. Suggested group size: 3-10 babywearing individuals.
Pricing dependent on size of group
(includes pre-consult phone call, private
consultation, and post-consult phone and e-mail support)